Reality Check.

All right, I apologize straight up for the gender-bias inherent in this post, but this has been on my mind for a while. Have any of you, dear readers, seen the movie or read the book He's Just Not That Into You? Well, I had the pleasure of seeing this film when it was playing at Baker Center (hooray for thriftiness!) and some of it has just been weighing on my mind as of late. For those of you who are unaware of the book/movie franchise, let me sum it up for you in a few words:

If a guy really likes you, there's nothing that’s going to get in his way.

The moral? Women need to stop making excuses as to why a guy doesn't want a relationship (i.e. he's confused, afraid of commitment, etc.) and just accept when he's just not that into you. I'm floored. It makes so much sense, yet these are some incredibly disheartening facts to face. I'll make this brief, since I have some sociology studying calling my name, and list off some of the key signs that the book says warrants you to throw in the towel and face the cold, hard truth. Ready? Deep breaths. Here goes.

He's just not that into you if:
He's not asking you out
He's not calling you
He's not dating you
He only wants to see you when he's drunk
He's breaking up with you
He's disappeared on you
He's married (and other insane variations of being unavailable)
...the list goes on.

So, this is where you come in. Are these rules set in stone? Are we really all dating the same guy who will give us the same telltale signs that he's just not interested? To be honest, I have no clue. But I'm thinking this might be the wake up call that I needed recently. Leave me your thoughts, concerns, suggestions...I'd love to hear what you think about these (maybe not so new) insights into the male mind. Until next time, good luck on finals and have an amazing summer!


Leama said...

You're so right! When I saw that movie, I feel like it totally made me so aware of how girls obsess over guys that are just not worth it because they will never be that into you. It's such an important thing to realize and would save everyone, guy or girl, a lot of energy and heartbreak. Who knew you could learn so much from a chick flick? Here's to not wasting your time anymore and being strong and powerful women!

tonysylvester said...

Nadine I wish more girls would realize what you've just said. I cannot tell you how many girls have held on bc they think I still like them or there will be a future bt us.

Leama I hope a lot of women cheers to your toast!

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